Case Studies

Case Studies

    LEAN Construction Puts Tri-City Groundbreakers on the Road to Success

    Tri-City Groundbreakers Inc., a civil construction company based in Midland, Michigan, has begun a LEAN transformation with stunning results. Founded in 2005 by John and Tamara Schmidt, the company began [...]

    2023-04-07T15:41:54+00:00April 7th, 2021|Case Studies|Comments Off on LEAN Construction Puts Tri-City Groundbreakers on the Road to Success

      New Swan Annex Laboratories, Academic Space Featured in April 26 Dedication Event

      A $30 million collaborative investment by the state of Michigan and Ferris State University will be on display Friday afternoon, April 26, when expanded and renovated areas of the Swan Technical [...]

      2019-04-30T19:24:49+00:00April 30th, 2019|Case Studies|Comments Off on New Swan Annex Laboratories, Academic Space Featured in April 26 Dedication Event

        Can Smart Manufacturing Replace the Art of Go and See?

        by David Westphal March 18, 2019 Recently a client asked me to provide critical expertise on a complex manufacturing issue. Large, super-material plates are produced with a very tight flatness tolerance. [...]

        2019-04-30T19:09:34+00:00March 18th, 2019|Case Studies|Comments Off on Can Smart Manufacturing Replace the Art of Go and See?

          Build your “House” of production on a stable foundation

          When Dave Westphal talks about how to respond to a machine breakdown, he sounds more like an emergency room doctor than a plant manager. “Treat it like a wound,” he [...]

          2019-02-12T18:34:02+00:00February 12th, 2019|Case Studies|Comments Off on Build your “House” of production on a stable foundation

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